Colective wisdom

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap.
There rarely are completely free offers; they come attached with hooks. So, beware of such offers.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
If you deviate from the norm, you’ll face resistance, even hostile reaction in extreme case.
The longest way around is the shortest way home.
If you want to achieve the desired quality, work diligently and carefully and not cut corners.
The highest branch is not the safest roost.
Those in the highest positions can be vulnerable as many aspire to replace them. Second, if the person is replaced, it’s not easy to find a similar position because of paucity of roles at the top.
The higher the monkey climbs the more he shows his tail.
The higher an incompetent person rises in an organization, the more his incompetence is exposed.
The harder you work, the luckier you get.
The harder you work, the more ideas and chances you may make for yourself.
The grass is greener on the other side of fence.
People are never satisfied with their own situation; they always think others have it better.
The family that (eats) prays together stays together.
The family that gets together regularly to pray or eat is more close-knit than the family that doesn’t.
The course of true love never did run smooth.
True love goes through ups and downs.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Take advantage of an opportunity before it extinguishes.
Still water runs deep.
If a person doesn’t speak much, it doesn’t mean they lack depth or are uninteresting.
Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.
If you work only on regular projects, you won’t be challenged and hence not become better at what you do. So, volunteer into few challenging projects as well.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Slow and consistent work leads to better chance of success than quick work in spurts.
Silence is half consent.
If you don’t object to what someone says or does, you may be assumed to agree to some extent.
Shrouds have no pockets.
We arrived in this world without anything, and we’ll leave without anything.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Important work takes time to complete.
Rich man’s joke is always funny.
People agree with and flatter rich people to be in good books with them.
Practice what you preach.
Behave the way you encourage others to behave.
Practice makes perfect.
Doing something over and over makes one better at it.
Politeness costs little but yields much.
Speaking politely costs no more than speaking rudely, but it can yield much more by making friends.
Persuasion is better than force.
You can achieve better results through persuasion than through coercion.
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at others.
People who have some shortcomings shouldn’t criticize others for having the same shortcomings.
Pen is mightier than sword.
Thinking and writing have more influence on people and events than use of force.
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
What may seem to be junk to one person maybe valuable to another.
Once bitten twice shy.
A person won’t do something a second time because he/she had bad experience the first time.
Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm.
Those who are flexible and relatively insignificant can survive a crisis that brings down powerful who are unable or unwilling to adapt.
No news is good news.
If you don’t receive any news about someone or something, it means that everything is fine and going normally.
No gain without pain.
To succeed in one’s pursuits, it is necessary to work hard and sacrifice pleasures.
Night brings counsel.
If you have a difficult problem to solve or an important decision to make, a good night’s sleep will work wonders.
Never test the depth of water with both feet.
If you’re testing the depth of water with both feet down, you risk being drowned if the water turns out to be deep. But if you test with one foot, you can pull away. The proverb means that before going whole hog into something unknown, assess the risk well.