Enciclopedia Înțelepciunii

No one can hide from death and love.

Drive away, weeping, the lover's anger.

The poison hidden in words is too flattering.

Only the strong or the happy can endure envy.

The heir's cry is a masked laugh.

The decision that cannot be changed is bad.

A repeated mistake becomes guilt.

The second marriage is always a subject of discussion.

Suspicions, to the one who loves, are like a waking dream.

A suspicious mind always sees the dark side of things.

It is good to be defeated, if victory is harmful.

Losing a friend is the hardest loss.

It is wonderful to die, it is shameful to be a slave.

Rushing to conclusions is a crime.

The habit of well-being is the worst of habits.

To receive a favor is to sell your freedom.

When a service is done to you, you say goodbye to freedom.

A pretend friend is much worse than your worst enemy.

It shows the enemy's bloodstain well.

The mistakes of an age pass with age.

If you forgive a mistake, you invite worse.

The angry one always thinks he can do more than he can.

The angry one, after coming to his senses, gets angry with himself.

Discord gives great value to understanding.

Doubt teaches mortal reason.

The cure for the pain of the wounded - the pain of the enemy.

The wound of love is healed by the one who caused it.

The wounds of conscience never completely heal.

Speech is the image of the soul.

With redoubled gratitude is received that which is given in excess of what is necessary.