A Calendar of Wisdom

We should do only one thing: give ourselves into the hands of God, whatever our ultimate fate. Allow that which should happen to happen. What will happen will be good.
They say that Judgment Day will come and that God will be furious. But a good God cannot bring anything but good. Do not be afraid: the end will be full of joy.
You should not worry too much about what will happen after death. Deliver yourself to the divine creature and bless it: you know that it is love, therefore, why should you be afraid? When Christ died, he said, “Father! I deliver my spirit into Thy hands.” Those who say these words, not with their tongue but with all their heart, do not need anything else. If my spirit returns back to its Father, this is the best place for it, and nothing can be better.
Don’t think that you can find peace for your soul without faith.
You should love only one thing in yourself, that which is the same in all of us. In loving that which is the same in all of us, you love God.
People live by love: love of yourself is the beginning of death; love of other people and of God is the beginning of life.
Love is not a source, it is a consequence of our understanding the divine, spiritual beginning which exists in all of us.
The greatest truth of the teachings of Christ is the direct connection between a man (God’s son) and God (His Father).
You ask me what the most important feature of Christ's character was. I will answer you: it was his confidence in the greatness of the human soul. He saw in a person the reflection of God’s image, and, therefore, he loved everyone, whoever a person was, without regard to his life or character.
After William Ellery Channing
Both people and nations must get rid of prejudices. Feel yourself talking directly to God: don’t read the book, read your soul; then a small chapel will become as big as the heavenly dome itself.
After Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are two ways of understanding God: either intellectually or spiritually, based on faith and morality. The intellectual understanding of God is not resolute enough and can be subjected to dangerous mistakes; spiritual understanding of God requires moral actions. This faith is both natural and supernatural.
After Immanuel Kant
Beware of everything which puts an obstacle between you and God.
False faith is the major cause of most of our misfortunes.
The purpose of a human life is to bring the irrational beginning of our life to a rational beginning. In order to succeed in this, two things are important: (1) to see all irrational, unwise things in life and direct your attention to them and study them; (2) to understand the possibility of a rational, wise life. The major purpose of all teachers of mankind was the understanding of the irrational and rational beginnings in our life. We should be ready to change our views at any time, and slough off prejudices, and live with an open and receptive mind. A sailor who sets the same sails all the time, without making changes when the wind changes, will never reach his harbor.
Accept the teaching of Christ as it is, clear and simple; then you will see that we live among big lies.
Live for your soul, and without trying or even understanding that you’re doing it, you will contribute to the improvement of society.
Why do you torture yourself? You want kindness, but you do not know where to find it. Know that you cannot achieve anything without God.... God is your only Lord, your only master, and you do not need another. God will make you free.
It would be nice if wisdom had such a quality that it could flow from one man who is full of wisdom to another man who has no wisdom, just as with two connected vessels water flows from one vessel to the other until the water level is the same in both of them. The problem is that to obtain wisdom, you must make an independent, serious effort of your own.
If you can teach a person kindness and love, but you do not, you lose a brother.
Improve your own soul, and be confident that only in so doing can you contribute to the improvement of the larger society of which you are part.
A scholar knows many books; a well-educated person has knowledge and skills; an enlightened person understands the meaning and purpose of his life.
There are a limitless number of different sciences, but without one basic science, that is, what is the meaning of life and what is good for the people, all other forms of knowledge and art become idle and harmful entertainment.
We live a senseless life, contrary to the understanding of life by the wisest people of all times. This happens because our young generations are educated in the wrong way - they are taught different sciences but they are not taught the meaning of life.
The only real science is the knowledge of how a person should live his life. And this knowledge is open to everyone.
Society can be improved only by self-sacrifice.
Heaven and earth are eternal. They are eternal because they do not exist for themselves. In the same way, a truly holy person does not live for himself, and therefore he can become eternal, and can achieve anything.
There is only one law, both in your personal and social life: if you want to improve your soul, you should be ready to sacrifice it.
The improvement of man can be measured by the level of his inner freedom. The more a person becomes free from his personality, the more freedom he has.
Death and birth are two limits, and something similar is hidden behind each.
When you think about what will happen to your soul after death, think also about what happened to your soul before your birth. If you plan to go somewhere, then you came from somewhere.