Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

Wealth does not diminish greed.

It is a greater shame to lose what you have gained than to have gained nothing.

In sadness and unhappiness, death is not a torment, but a lightening of burdens.

In battle, those who, more than others, are prisoners of fear, are more exposed to danger; courage is like a wall.

It is easy to start any war, but especially difficult to end it.

Actions are more important than words.

For the body and for material possessions there is both a beginning and an end, and all that is born perishes, and all that multiplies is exhausted.

To strive for fame in the path of courage.

To desire and reject the same things - in this consists a lasting friendship.

Everyone makes their own happiness with their own hands.

The thirst for gain cancels the most expensive feelings: love of country, love of family, love of virtue and cleanliness.

Who can be a better friend than a brother?

Many people are slaves to the womb and to sleep, they spend their lives without teaching and education like vagabonds, and at the same time, against nature, the body serves them for pleasure and the soul as a burden.

You can't convince him with anything that neither talk nor danger changes.

Courage takes place on the walls of the fortress.

By union, the smallest grows, and in discord, even the greatest decays.

The world is ruled by the whims of chance.

Avarice, like feeding on harmful poisons, weakens the spirit.

To put the divine on the same level as the human.

Sensuality and anger are the worst counselors.

It's hard to write history.

The good man, if he is not paid attention to, becomes less involved, and the bad man, the criminal.

It is inhuman not to extend a helping hand to the fallen. Otherwise, let fate decide as it pleases.

Any good makes happy the one who possesses it.

The friends asked Ovid to take out of his books three verses that they would indicate. He agreed, on the condition that they keep three that he would indicate. The verses they pointed out to be excluded and the ones Ovid wanted kept turned out to be the same.

The woman can only hide the secret she does not know.

Study only oratory, from it you can pass to any other science.

Love can be more easily killed than quenched.

Not Cicero is Mark Antony's enemy, but the rebuke of conscience.

Silence equals consent.