Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

The will to live, participation in the attainment of its distant and mysterious goal, justifies life itself.

The only happiness in life is the continuous aspiration forward.

If you hide the truth and bury it in the ground, it will surely grow and gain such power that one day it will come out and sweep everything in its path.

Never before have men had such a ferocious attitude, never have they been so blind as in our times when they begin to imagine that they know everything.

Ingenuity is often one step away from absolute stupidity.

Laughter is the power to which the greatest of this world must submit.

The sufferings of the righteous man are a verdict given by the unrighteous man.

Superstition is dangerous, to admit its existence is even a form of cowardice. To have a tolerant attitude towards superstition does not mean to reconcile forever with ignorance, to revive the darkness of the Middle Ages? Superstition weakens, fools.

Being a hero also means fighting against almighty fate.

In fighting the dead, the living are always right.

A strong desperation always defeats a great force.

The genius of man is always in harmony with his destiny.

The spiritual significance of a heroic deed is never established by its practical utility. Humanity is only enriched by the one who helps it to know itself, who deepens its creative consciousness.

Life doesn't give us anything for free, and for everything that fate offers us, a price is mysteriously determined.

When a friendship is born between a dog and a cat, it is nothing more than an alliance against the cook.

Only the totality of the obstacles overcome is the true criterion of a heroic deed and of the man who performed it.

Every great deed of a particular people is done for all peoples.

The mighty forces that destroy cities and destroy states remain powerless against one man, if he possesses enough will and fearlessness to remain free, for those who imagined themselves victorious over millions could not subdue a single thing - a free conscience.

You can rely as little on the man who has reached that state that he is no longer afraid even of ridicule as on a criminal.

There is nothing more beautiful than a truth that seems unbelievable! The heroic deeds of humanity, precisely because they are superior to the deeds of ordinary people, have something incomprehensible; but precisely that unbelievable thing, which was accomplished, restores humanity's self-confidence.

No physician knows a better medicine than hope for a weary body and soul.

Oh, the power with her Medusa look! Whoever looked her in the face, can no longer take his eyes off her: he remains fascinated and hostage. Whoever has felt the heady delight of power and order at least once, is no longer able to give it up.

The first real sign of political wisdom is always the ability to abandon an unattainable goal early.

The most sublime, the purest idea becomes base and insignificant as soon as a mean individual gets the power to do inhuman things.

Passion is capable of many things. It can awaken in man an extraordinary superhuman energy. It is capable, by its relentless pressure, of wringing tyrannical forces from even the most balanced soul.

Destiny is the most brilliant poet.

A creative personality obeys a higher law than the law of mere duty. For the one called to great deeds, to discoveries or heroic deeds that make humanity move forward, for him, the true homeland is not his country, but his deed. He feels responsible only to one court, to that problem which he has to solve, and he will despise state and passing interests rather than his inner commitment, which has been entrusted to him by his special destiny, by his special talent.