The One Year Daily Insights with Zig Ziglar

When we take action, we take risks. With the risks, however, comes the opportunity to see God do amazing things, and seeing God work is the greatest thrill in our lives.
We wait expectantly, trusting that a good, wise, all-knowing God will accomplish His gracious purposes in His good time. We trust that while we wait He’s preparing the situation, other people, or us for something special.
Feelings follow actions. So when you don’t really want to or feel like doing what needs to be done—do it and then you will feel like doing it.
When God is all we have left, we then realize that God is all we need.
We rivet our hearts on God’s character, and we are sure that waiting on Him to act will be worth every second.
Love doesn’t happen because we use flowery words or express good intentions. It becomes real in our difficult choices every day.
If knowing Jesus means a lot to you—and if you know Him, it does—then let me urge you to pray for God’s guidance so that you might witness effectively, and for God’s courage so that you will witness often.
The earth and everything in it were created by God, and as the Creator, He is the rightful owner. He entrusts parts to us for a short time, but we’re wise to see ourselves as managers instead of owners.
As God-appointed managers, we acknowledge that our money (and the skills God gave us to earn money) is the Lord’s, and our first question is, Lord, how can I use this in a way that pleases You? If we ask that question often enough, we may change some of our spending habits, and we might devote more of our resources to the things that matter most to God.
He told His followers, become a servant of all. To rise up, stoop low. The last shall be first, and the first last.
And we know that we really live only when we really give.
When we help the weak, the poor, and the sick—expecting nothing in return—we are most like God, and He blesses us beyond anything the world can offer.
WE WANT THE CHARACTER quality of patience, but we don’t want to go through the curriculum to learn it!
James offers a different way: Hush up, listen carefully, ask questions, don’t jump to conclusions, and put a lid on your anger so you don’t ruin the moment and, perhaps, the relationship.
Genuine love blooms in relationships with the most difficult people.
Patience becomes a reality in us because we cling to God during times when we long for quick, complete solutions to our problems.
Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.
Great doors of opportunity swing on the tiny hinges of obedience.
Memorize a simple strategy: Don’t jump to speak, ask questions and listen, watch your anger thermometer and keep the temperature down.
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.
Could it be that God has been trying to form the quality of patience in us by putting difficulties, obstacles, and obstinate people in our lives? God’s curriculum for all of us includes several courses on Patience 101, 201, and 301. Will we try to skip school, or will we be good students and learn our lessons?
How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
Self-absorbed people experience a lot of disappointment and anger, and they often have a hair trigger when it comes to accusing God or anyone else who doesn’t meet their demands. We often hear them say, “That’s not fair!”
Critical words cut like a knife. And sarcasm is the same knife with a pearl handle.
Immaturity isn’t something to aspire to, but childlike faith is a valuable commodity in God’s Kingdom.
Paint the picture of your life with godly decisions and you will never be ashamed to attach your signature to the portrait you create.”
To keep on track with the Father’s plan, He had to spend time with the Father, pour out His heart, gain needed perspective, and get the game plan for the day.
GROUNDED. UNFLAPPABLE. Got it together. A few people among us seem to have learned the secret of life. When others around them are losing their cool, these people remain calm, think clearly, and make good choices. No, they aren’t supermen and superwomen, and no, they aren’t on drugs. They’ve learned to tap into God’s wisdom.
You can earn more money, but when time is spent it is gone.
We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.