The One Year Daily Insights with Zig Ziglar

What, then, does Christ’s invitation mean? It doesn’t mean He’ll make life as easy as a cruise; instead, He promises to equip us for the long hike. How? By giving us the knowledge and wisdom we need to take the next step at each point on the journey.
When we compare ourselves with others, we quickly become consumed with pride or envy, and our passion for Christ quickly fades.
When we love God with all our hearts, it affects our human relationships too.
Young believers get a taste of grace, and they sometimes think it doesn’t matter what they do; the sky’s the limit! But sooner or later, they face the painful consequences of breaking God’s laws, and they learn to value the restrictions.
We bring a smile to God’s face when we express thanks for what we have instead of complaining because we don’t have the latest version of a toy we want. We give God joy when we take care of what He has loaned us instead of trashing things.
In agricultural communities, the “firstfruits” are the first crops of the harvest. As a statement to God and a reminder to ourselves, we don’t spend the first part of any increase (raise, bonus, or gift) on ourselves. We take it to God and give it to Him.
We have to break this cycle, back up, regroup, and bring some sanity to our lives so we’ll have the perspective, energy, and compassion for the people we see each day, and especially those who live under the same roof with us. Then we can love them like we love ourselves.
we can tune out the Holy Spirit’s whispers and become oblivious to His communication with us.
A snapshot of our thoughts gives us a picture of the content of our hearts, and what we hold in our hearts serves as the ground, seed, and fertilizer for what grows into our attitudes and actions.
Sometimes, we rejoice and our hearts almost burst with gratitude, but at other times, we make gut-level choices to thank Him during painful seasons of life.
Martin Luther once said, “We can’t keep a bird from flying over our heads, but we can keep it from building a nest in our hair!
If there is hope in the future, then there is power in the present.”
You are what you are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.”
It’s not what you know; it’s what you use that makes a difference.
Times of isolation with God will precede the times of inspiration we receive from God.”