Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

The path of learning is long, the path of example is short and effective.

He who knows how to enjoy himself reaches the top.

Free time without spiritual pursuits means the death and burial alive of man.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

If wisdom were given by nature with the obligatory condition of keeping it to oneself and not sharing it with anyone, I would not have refused it.

If there is no future growth, it means that the decline is near.

If you look carefully, it turns out that most of the life of many people is spent on stupid things, a small part, in the rut, and the whole life, in general, not on the right thing.

If you don't want to be afraid of anything, remember that you can certainly be afraid of anything.

If you want to be loved, love.

If you want to dominate everything, let reason dominate yourself.

If you want them to shut up about something, shut up first.

There are people who live without any purpose, they pass through the world like a blade of grass in the water of the river: they do not walk, but are carried.

There is propriety in pain too. Even tears must be measured. Only the reckless are immeasurable in both joy and pain.

The thunder rumbles before the storm begins. The collapse of the building is preceded by a crack. Smoke announces fire. Danger comes unexpectedly from people, and the greater it is, the more carefully it is hidden. We make a mistake when we trust the facial expressions of people who approach us. They only have human appearance, they are beasts at heart.

Cruelty always comes from inhumanity and weakness.

He who is useful to many is alive; he is alive who is useful to himself. And he who hides and remains still, for him the house is like a tomb. You can carve their names in marble on the doorstep, because they died before their time.

Life is the ultimate good.

Life is long if it is full. We will measure it by deeds, and not by duration.

Life is like a play: it's not how long it lasts, but how well it's played.

To live is to fight.

People's envy shows how unhappy they feel.

A crime, even if only planned but not committed, is still called a crime.

The law must be short so that even ignorant people can remember it.

Be silent and do not let rash words flow freely from the troubled soul.

The gold rush doesn't make a stallion out of a blackbird.

Gold is tried in fire, the woman with gold, and the man with the woman.

And in pain there is a dose of vanity! We seek in tears the evidence of our sorrow, we do not obey the pain, but expose it for all to see.

Excess of food stands in the way of fineness of mind.

Be interested not in the quantity, but in the quality of your admirers.

The arts are useful only if they develop the mind, not if they distract it.